
Read about my client's experiences on the program

Honestly, when I first started working with Stacy, she made me nervous.  It is not anything she did, it was my fear of failing, yet again, when there was someone who was going to keep me accountable.  I have been overweight my entire life, trying many programs, losing and gaining; gaining more than losing my self-confidence and self worth was in the toilet.  My rolls of fat made me self conscious and embarrassed. Click to read more.

Deciding to work with Stacy has been a god send.  She seems genuinely interested in helping me achieve my goals, gave me tips to help me be successful, and picked me up when I was down and being critical of myself.  I always wanted there to be a loss so I could have good results to report, not that Stacy ever said anything negative.  I put the pressure on myself, wanting to succeed.

Stacy is helping me to not be so hard on myself, everyone has something they are battling.  She makes me feel special and important, building my confidence.

When I had a question or problem she could not answer, she found out and got back with me quickly.

I appreciate her kindness and caring, integrity and character.  She is very professional, yet makes you feel like you are talking with a friend.

I am a work in progress and I know I can always count on Stacy to offer support, an ear to listen and offer words of encouragement.

Laura W

I knew I needed to make a lifestyle change.  I was having knee issues, acid reflux, over weight and lacked energy to do my daily tasks. Stacy recommended a program that would "detox" my system eliminating all the harmful products most of us put in our bodies  I noticed almost immediate results, my àcid reflux and inflammation in my knee was gone, and my energy level soared. Click to read more.

Added benefits also included much more restful sleep, lower cholesterol levels and a significant weight loss. Stacy was also very helpful with suggestions and recommended solutions to deal with the every day stress most of us face.  Working with Stacy has been a wonderful experience, she is a very positive and upbeat health coach. Her positive attitude and outlook on life is contagious. I plan to continue working with Stacy so I can maintain the "new me"........life is good!

Deb A. 

Before I started working with Stacy, I was really overwhelmed by the amount of health problems I was facing as a 26 year old. I suffered from severe seasonal allergies, acne, IBS, PCOS, weight gain, and I had my gallbladder removed in emergency surgery when I was 24.  Click to read more.

I had tried various diets and fads to help me lose weight, and I had worked with a personal trainer to improve my overall health. However, generally nothing seemed to turn the tide of my constant health issues. I thought I understood what nutrition my body needed, but in reality, I didn’t understand my body’s unique needs.

Stacy revolutionized the way I viewed my body and valued myself. First, she was consistently positive and encouraging. She never doubted that I had what it took to successfully change my health for the better. Second, she helped me to learn the signs my body had been giving me about what it needed. Third, she helped me to see that weight loss was simply an incredible side effect of taking good care of my mind and body. 

I returned a couple years later to visit Stacy to thank her because I was able to get pregnant naturally without any medical intervention because I knew how to respond to the signs my body was giving me since I also have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). I continue to be a strong advocate for my own body and health, and I love educating my friends and family about ways to listen to their own bodies’ unique needs.

Stacy was always open, honest, and welcoming. I never had someone I could consistently turn to who would understand the struggles I was facing like Stacy. I could call or text her and receive whatever little encouragement I needed, and it was incredibly invaluable. If I could give a gift to my loved ones, it would most certainly be to have the opportunity to work directly with Stacy. I’m so grateful for everything she taught me, so I can be a great wife and mother!

I used to feel completely lost and out of control of my health. This was particularly scary because I was only in my mid-twenties at the time. After working with Stacy, I feel like no matter what, I can go back to the basics and give my body the essential needs it asks for. I cannot imagine what my life would be like now if I hadn’t completed my program with Stacy.

If you have any types of health concerns, they are simply signs your body is giving you to address something. Stacy will help you to recognize and understand what those signs mean. She will help you to make the decisions you need to nourish your body so that you prevent health concerns. I absolutely know that completing this program was by far one of the greatest decisions I have made for myself in my life. I will always be grateful for the new opportunities I have gained because of this program.

Kathryn F. 

 I was looking to lose weight and establish healthy, clean eating to feel better and improve toward a healthy lifestyle.  I was tired of my sluggish metabolism, being overweight and feeling a lack of energy and enthusiasm around healthy consumption of food. I have tried many things, including Weight Watchers, 21-Day Fix, clean eating, detox plans and so on. Click to read more.

 Stacy provided not only guidance for the eating program, but she also provided her expertise in health coaching, along with providing a great deal of information as to "why" certain things work and others don't work.  Stacy again listened.  In addition to educating me, Stacy provided support for the anxiety that comes along with feeling like you could fail, accepting mistakes and helped to reduce and often eliminate this anxiety and guilt.  Stacy's support gives me confidence and allows failure and acceptance of not always being perfect and is not judgmental.  Stacy gets it - she's been there herself.

 Stacy is patient and she makes me feel at ease.  I feel comfortable being honest with Stacy about not sticking to the plan when I give into temptations.  I also really like the fact that Stacy provides alternative solutions or breaks in the plan when there are life situations coming up or when passion for doing the plan is not as strong as it was when you started.  However, that doesn't mean that Stacy lets you give up - she just provides a lot of support, reasoning and alternatives and that makes me want to come back and to continue to seek ways to reach my goals.  Stacy's coaching is not just about weight loss.  Based on my needs, Stacy has made suggestions for other treatments and supplements that Edge Chiropractic offers and things like a "white noise" machine for dealing with noisy neighbors when trying to sleep and many other suggestions (free things) that can be used as coping mechanisms. 

I am very positive about my experience with Stacy.  Stacy is someone that I want to share my challenges with and to help me find solutions at my pace.  I see myself working with Stacy for a long time - even when my weight loss goals have been met.  Stacy has provided assistance and solutions to many things I thought were out of control.

Patty K

My journey with Stacy began with a lot of resistance because I had given many other programs my all, and still failed.  Stacy guaranteed me she would not let me fail.  If I did the work and did what I was supposed to and I would lose pounds along with inches.  I was very skeptical at first, but had faith and Stacy kept me on track. Stacy is so easy to work with and also understands that life can get in the way of our best intentions, so she helps you figure out how to make it work for your particular lifestyle.  Click to read more.

Not only did I lose pounds.  I lost inches too!  I sleep better, breathe better, my mood has improved, pain has lessened. My knees stopped hurting.  My skin has improved.  No more migraines or acid reflux, and I am no longer considered pre-diabetic.  No more brain fog and no more meds! I have gone from a size 14 to a size 8. Stacy is kind, trustworthy, intuitive, uplifting, and chockfull of amazing information and nutritional knowledge.  She was a pleasure to work with.  

Stacy’s impeccable listening skills, experience, and wealth of cutting edge knowledge will ensure your journey’s success. Today, I am a new person.  My energy is back, my inflammation is gone.  My extra weight is falling off.  If I had not gone to Stacy I would probably still be on my meds and be overweight, fatigued, and miserable.  She is knowledgeable, and she really helped me change my life. I had become very discouraged and frustrated trying to find answers to my health issues.  

What a blessing she has been in my life!  She offered her wisdom and shared her knowledge in such a compassionate and caring way.   Her guidance has inspired me, motivated me, encouraged me, and empowered me.  Transformed my health.  Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make! 

Monica L.

I recently had labs drawn at my doctor in early February and my HgbA1c was 6.4, pre-diabetic.  I already was on medication for high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  I was not going to add medicine for diabetes.  I had gradually gained weight that I had previously lost from working out at a gym.  Increased stress in my life due to several family issues in last 2 years and work related concerns contributed to the weight gain and poor eating habits. I needed help to eat healthy and loss some weight along the way. I wanted to be in control of my health. Click to read more.

I had tried eating better (fruit, vegetables, protein), outlined meals from a personal trainer at the gym I was a member of. That exercise program from the trainer was a success and I felt better along with recommended eating plan and some protein supplements.  However, after my life got crazy I gradually gained the weight back. I always said to be successful "I wish I could either work out or eat according to a diet program, not both at same time" to stick with it as a lifestyle change.  I don't have time for a long term gym membership after work as I am employed full-time and housewife and mother.

Stacy is very supportive since the beginning.  She is energetic about her job as a health coach.  I reported weights daily for several weeks via text and got supportive comments back.  We also discussed how the suggested food list was working out and I got suggestions for varying the program to get my body to respond.  We reviewed my improved labs after 4 months on the program while working with Stacy.

 I needed this program to become healthier as proven by my repeat labs after 4 months in program.  Cholesterol results and HgbA1c now 5.5 within  normal ranges.  I also had labs done to check for food allergies and found I had slight food allergy to white beans and tomatoes with can cause inflammation in your gut.   I can still go out to eat with my family and live my life with them (they are adults and live outside of my house)  and then continue the program with success.

Jane L.