For over 12 years I've helped clients reclaim their energy, reduce inflammation & shed unwanted weight with programs like SHAPE ReClaimed™ 

What makes me different from others that offer SHAPE ReClaimed? 

It's the only program I offer! I've dedicated my entire practice for over 12 years to helping clients be successful with their SHAPE™ journey.  

Why does that matter to you? 

I'm laser focused on making your SHAPE ReClaimed ™  journey be the last program you will need. 

Meet your Accountability Partner - That's Me!

Stacy Gauch

As a self professed lifetime learner, I spent more time researching “diets” than implementing them. The thing was, I knew what to do!  I just couldn’t stick with anything long enough to see real results.  

I needed a program that was proven to work, that would provide me quick results so I would be motivated to continue the journey and I needed someone to hold me accountable. 

Over 11 years ago, I got serious about my health and wellness.  I was able to lose those extra pounds, reclaim my energy and begin my path to optimal health through programs like SHAPE ReClaimed. 

 I am now a Certified Wellness Coach and I’ve helped countless clients just like you reclaim their health and wellness on programs just like this one and I’m thrilled to be a part of your journey.